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Nuestras ofertas de estudio
Maquillaje permanente y Microblading de cejas 

Somos profesionales altamente calificados y capacitados


Karisma Quilapio Pabón, o Sra. Kaye,es el fundador deBrow Fix Studio + Academia. Ella es Master PMU Artist & Trainer; En 2016, obtuvo la certificación en el arte del maquillaje permanente y microblading con Swiss Color, PhiBrows y la Academia Estadounidense de Micropigmentación.


Sra. Kaye creció en Filipinas. Hizo su curso inicial de maquillaje en el Centro de Estudios Estéticos durante seis meses. Y en 2010, se mudó a Nueva Jersey, EE. UU., para desarrollar sus habilidades artísticas después de su carrera en la aviación como asistente de vuelo. Al año siguiente terminó su curso de estética de 600 horas en el Instituto Atelier de Nueva York. Desde entonces, ha estado haciendo muecas para dar la confianza y el amor propio que todo cliente merece. Tuvo el privilegio de trabajar en Dior y La Mer.


cuando ella no estaEstudio de corrección de cejasA Kaye le encanta salir a cenar para descubrir comida excelente y mimarse con un masaje con su esposo, Ramil, o pasar tiempo de calidad con su mamá y su sobrina, Charlize.


American Academy of Micropigmentation

INlEI Master  Educator

Phibrows Artist (BBKQUSA6780)

Swiss Color Artist



Esthetician in NYC & NJ

Permanent Makeup Artist in NYC & NJ



La Mer Trained Skin Specialist

Christian Dior Trained Make-up Artist

IT Cosmetics Product Specialist

International Flight Attendant



In 2016, she achieved her Master PMU Artist & Trainer accreditation and was certified in the art of Permanent Makeup & Microblading with Swiss Color, PhiBrows, as well as the American Academy Of Micropigmentation. Continuous learning is an underlying theme within Ms Kaye's profession as new technologies arise almost every year as permanent makeup evolves with modern trends; always remaining up-to-date with current techniques helps ensure Ms Kaye can offer guests the success desired from their treatments since being aware ahead of time allows adjustment - if needed - prior delivering treatment solutions . Beyond perfected techniques . She also researches ingredients so there won't be any surprises for our guests regarding comfort levels & effects requested during consultations . When some treatments are required , we strive to offer them knowledge so they understand completely what it entails; this helps guide expectations along before commencing any path once its consulted thoroughly . Last but not least , safety protocols will never be compromised per Regional standards.

Happy woman in a beauty salon makes permanent lip makeup and shows how cool it is. Modern
Cosmetologist making photo of work on mobile phone red permanent make up tattoo on young w
set of drawings, and schemes for permanent make-up wizard.jpg
Microblading master in black rubber gloves with a needle on the manipulator applies pigmen

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