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Ombre_Powder Effect


Ombre/Powder eyebrows tattoo procedure offers a hassle-free solution for eyebrow shaping. Our expert technicians use the latest techniques to create natural-looking, perfectly shaped eyebrows that last longer than traditional methods. Say goodbye to daily eyebrow maintenance and hello to effortlessly beautiful brows with our innovative tattoo procedure.

-Say goodbye to daily eyebrow makeup with the powder ombre brows tattoo procedure. This guide will walk you through the process and help you achieve natural-looking, defined eyebrows.

-Achieve flawless, filled-in eyebrows with the powder ombre brows tattoo procedure. Learn all about this semi-permanent technique and how it can transform your brow game.

FEE $700 (touch-up + Post Kit Included)

Before & After Photos

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Benefits Of Ombre/Powder Brows

OMBRE/POWDER BROWS offers several benefits if performed by trained professionals who use specialized tools and techniques. 

- Save time and effort in daily eyebrow makeup application, as the results are long-lasting.


- Boost self-confidence and enhance your overall appearance with perfectly shaped eyebrows.


- Eliminate the need for constant maintenance and touch-ups, as the results can last up to 2 years.


- Enjoy a painless and comfortable procedure, as numbing creams are used to minimize any discomfort.


- Customize the shape, color, and thickness of your eyebrows to suit your preferences and facial features.


- Wake up with effortlessly beautiful eyebrows every day, even after swimming or exercising.


- Improve the symmetry and balance of your face, as well-defined eyebrows can create a more harmonious look


- Enhance the appearance of thinning or sparse eyebrows, providing a natural and fuller look.


- Boost overall beauty routine by saving time and achieving flawless eyebrows effortlessly.


  • A follow-up appointment is necessary 4 to 6 weeks after the initial session. This will allow us to confirm the success of the procedure.

  • For optimal results, permanent makeup requires proper preparation. This includes avoiding picking, tweezing, waxing, electrolysis, sun exposure and facial treatments for two weeks before the procedure.

  • Do not workout on the day of the procedure nor should you have received botox three weeks prior.

  • Waxing and tinting eyebrows is also prohibited three days before the appointment.

  • Additionally, 24 - 48 hours prior to your tattoo do not consume alcohol or caffeine as they thin the blood and reduce color saturation post-procedure.

  • To best prepare your skin follow my routine: Absorb oil with blotting paper, Wash gently using a mild cleanser, and Moisturize daily with an SPF 30+ moisturizer.

✅  Avoid makeup, RETIN-A & GLYCOLIC acids on pigmented areas while healing.
✅  Avoid touching with fingers, sunscreens, direct sun, tanning beds & self-tanners on pigmented  areas. Once healed, use a good sunscreen daily. 
✅  Avoid swimming pools, oceans, hot tubs, saunas and hot steamy showers. Shower with back  to shower head to avoid water, shampoo /conditioner getting into pigmented area.
✅  Avoid dirt (as in gardening), extreme perspiration (the gym) for the first week to prevent  possible infection. 
✅  Don’t be alarmed if pigment comes off onto Q-TIP when applying aftercare ointments.
✅  Don’t be alarmed by fading after first application. Final color can’t be judged until 2 weeks  post procedure.  
✅  Never use topical antibiotics unless given to you at time of your procedure, with specific  instructions. 
✅  If planning a chemical peel, MRI or other medical procedure, please notify technician you  have iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo. 
✅  If planning to have laser hair removal on upper lip or a Photo Facial using IPL, notify laser  specialist of cosmetic tattoo so this area may be avoided by the laser. Both ablative and non ablative lasers may cause pigment to turn black. 
✅  Additionally, 24 - 48 hours prior to your tattoo do not consume alcohol or caffeine as they thin the blood and reduce color saturation post-procedure. To best prepare your skin follow my routine: Absorb oil with blotting paper, Wash gently using a mild cleanser and Moisturize daily with an SPF 30+ moisturizer.


✅  To donate blood, it’s a Red Cross policy to wait one year. 

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